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Homework Space

Homework Space for Introduction to Software Engineering

Q:Write out variables x, y and z in binary code

1) int8_t x = 67; int8_t y = -7; int8_t z = y - x;

2) int8_t x = 0xd3;

3) uint8_t = 0xd3;

4) int8_t x = 127; int8_t y = -7; int8_t z = y – x;

5) float x = 1.125;

6) float x = 23.0;

7) float x = 0.45;



  1. x = 01000011

    y = 11111001

    z = 01001010

  2. x = 11010011(溢出)

  3. x = 11010011

  4. x = 01111111

    y = 11111001

    z = 10000110(溢出)

  5. x = 0 01111111 0010000000000000000000(Excess_127)

  6. x = 0 10000011 0111000000000000000000(Excess_127)

  7. x = 0 (精度误差)


1)Method of complements


3)Integer (computer science)

4)Floating point


objects description 中文解释
Method of complements In mathematics and computing, the method of complements is a technique used to subtract one number from another using only addition of positive numbers. 补码法是一种仅使用额外的正数来抽象出另一个数的的技术
Byte The byte is a unit of digital information that most commonly consists of eight bits, representing a binary number. 字节通常包含8个位,是数据信息的一个单元,代表一个二进制数。
Integer (computer science) In computer science, an integer is a datum of integral data type, a data type that represents some range of mathematical integers. 整形数是指一种描述数学上整数的数据类型
Floating point The term floating point refers to the fact that a number’s radix point (decimal point, or, more commonly in computers, binary point) can “float”; that is, it can be placed anywhere relative to the significant digits of the number. 浮点的来由是小数点的可移动性

仔细阅读” Method of complements”的内容,你将注意到 nines‘ complement in the decimal 和 ones’ complement in binary 等概念.

1)请证明:二进制的负数(two‘s complement of X)等于 X 的 ones’ complement + 1(即,X每位求反加1)


2)Int8_t x = - 017; 请用8进制描述变量 x。在c中 017 即 (017)8


x = 0361

阅读维基百科” Two‘s complement”的内容,特别是Sign extension小节内容。


int8_t  x = -0x1f;  
int y = x; 

请用16进制描述变量 x 和 y,并说明 int y = x 的计算过程。


x = 0xe1

y = 0xffffffe1




  1. 当X > 0,根据定义,正数的最高符号位(the most-significant bit)必为0,显然应该往高位补0,

  2. 当X < 0, 设 Y = -X,先将Y赋给int,高位补0,再取反后+1,高位全部取反成了1。


阅读维基百科” Floating point”的内容,

1) NaN 是什么?


NaN, standing for not a number, is a numeric data type value representing an undefined or unrepresentable value, especially in floating-point calculations.

NaN是为了表达一些未定义或难以言述的值而存在的类型,尤其在浮点计算中,有时也会处理一些数学上的错误,例如: 0 / 0, 以及混合运算例如:”Hello,world!” + 1;